Who is the CHANGE?

Everyone in this world want to be happy. They want a perfect environment - both bodily and spiritually.  For all this, certain things that do not help in the progress of people should be stopped and those values that we lack should be inculcated and implemented for the society to continue smoothly and joyfully. For instance, there is a heap of garbage lying within the locality. There is hardly any chance that any individual will explicitly bother to clean it or take responsibility. If a person passes by and sees the garbage lying there, he might ask any person as to why it is lying there uncleaned. The most common type of answer is, " This is the garbage collector's work. He never came for two days and therefore this waste is lying here, what am I supposed to do?" 
Nowadays  people are losing the sense of  responsibility and hygiene. " If it is not told to me, then it is not my work." After all we are not machines, we don't go exactly according to the rule book, we go beyond it also. We extend ourselves only when WE WANT TO ! If we are convinced to do so. This does not mean that people don't want a clean, safe and happy environment; of course they want it but they are not ready to be the cause of it . Basically - they don't want to take the burden on their shoulders.
The basic principle is that a person can do something with a full heart only when he is convinced to do so and when he wants to do it. This is very important in case of a child. Normally the parent wants the child to do a particular course, participate in olympiads  and other competitive exams . In most cases the parent has a career ready for his/her child in mind. In other words, the parent might be implementing his interests in the child and thinking the child will be happy doing it. Well the main twist is , it is not like this always. The child will have other dreams and ambitions and the child would ultimately like to make his dreams come true. How much ever the parent makes the child study and appear for exams , he wont be happy and successful doing it unless he wants to do so.
Most of you must have thought that the topic has shifted to 'Conviction' , well it has not. If we relate the topic and conviction , then a question arises Conviction to do what? - To be the change! Just like we want a clean and green environment, a spiritually enriching environment is also expected by most in the present time. If we expect it then we should be ready to support it and make sure our expectations are fulfilled. For this, support from others is very much essential . And there should a base for the support.
To start of this "spiritually enriching environment", it is necessary to convince people to join the cause and also for someone to ignite it or start it. Nothing exists without a beginning. For all this, who are we going to convince and  who is going to kick start all this?? Its none other than I. Its me who can be convinced and me who can start all this. " Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi said. People appreciate you when you become the change. They feel that their ideas have been brought out to the public by you. Of course, appreciation is not the cause for the change. Its one's own self determination and dedication.
I would like to conclude by saying that it is possible for you and me to become the change. It is up to us whether we want it or not. This has been a principle over years, when one starts, others join and together the movement continues successfully. The best example that can be taken is of  A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who single- handedly went to New York with 40 rupees at the age of 70. He was the only one , only he took the initiative to start a spiritual organisation " ISKCON" to worship the Lord and chant his glories. One joined , two joined and slowly slowly thousands joined and his glory has remained since many years and it will remain for many more years to go. Now, people are so grateful to Prabhupada for starting this wonderful organisation.
The pledge taken in my school everyday is -
                             " I am the change
                               I am the chosen child of God
                               I am very precious to my parents
                               I am the change "


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