Relying on Nature

Previously the farmers used to grow crops naturally and in order to nourish it natural manure made from cow dung, dried leaves, etc. was added to it. During that time, the climate was balanced and the summer and the rainy season used to come at regular intervals. Thus, India prospered through the natural dependency on the environment. However, that is not the case now.
Nowadays, a contrast situation exists where man does not depend on nature but instead he is becoming responsible for manipulating its balance and course. In order to increase the crop yield, all kinds of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, etc etc. are being added. Their objective is to improve and increase the production but along with it these substances enter the soil, deplete its fertility and ultimately reach us through the food chain. 
In order to facilitate the needs of human beings, several electronic gadgets are being manufactured and used in large numbers. All this have harmful effects on humans as well as the environment. They indirectly release harmful gases which affect the climate and thus the seasons do not occur regularly.
Everything is related in the form of a chain. If one gets affected, it affects the other. So in order to prevent this, we should start protecting the environment by preventing our dependency on artificial substances and trying to use natural products and natural means to the maximum. Seeing the effects of the depleting environment , many environmentalists are coming to its rescue and starting new methods for its protection.
However, a accountable change in the nature will only be seen when we start bringing India back to state as it was before. Facilitating this, Iskcon Chowpatty under the leadership of HH Radhanath Swami has started organic farms where all the needs of the individuals are met while at the same time natural practices of farming and cultivation is taken up. A beautiful set up named Govardhan Eco Village has been established near Mumbai which is amazing and needs to be truly appreciated.


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