Live the Present

In today's fast-paced world, we cannot afford to spend a moment for ourselves. As soon as the clock turns 8, we have to rush to our offices, schools, etc. The whole day goes in working for "The Boss" and we come back late in the night, have a light dinner and fall asleep. This is our boring routine. In no time, we will be on our death bed dissatisfied to not have lived our life with life , to not have experienced the joy present in this beautiful nature and most importantly to not have lived the purpose of this human life - To develop love for Krishna and depart from this temporary material world to go "Back To Godhead".
Planning is an important aspect of our daily life. However, it will not make sense if we drain out our whole life
drafting a perfect plan. Plans are necessary to achieve and reach our goals but to convert our dreams into reality, we have to work hard in the present. Similarly, cribbing over our passed past is only a waste of time unless we learn something from it. The past has transpired and slipped away from our hand, the future we are unaware and unsure of. The only thing which we can be sure of and control is our PRESENT.
Present means the very moment. This instant I can decide whether I want to study or not, within a second, I lose it and proceed to the next. We better start living our present satisfactorily and prepare for our future otherwise - Knock Knock - Who's here? - Death. We cannot ignore our uninvited guest. We can either be unprepared and panic or we can be prepared and peacefully accept. There is a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi, " The future depends on what you do today. "
Recently, I heard a very inspiring class by His Grace Gaur Gopal Prabhu. He said , "Krishna Conciousness is the art of Living so that we can learn the art of Leaving. " He also mentioned that people get so absorbed in thinking how and when their death will occur that they forget to live the minute and remain unprepared for the final hour.
Live the moment joyfully,
Take charge of the current situation,
Invite the future,
 remembering the true goal throughout the process -  To go back to Krishna's Kingdom !!


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